Table of Contents

Click to go to a topic:

My Locations

Add New Scout Report

View Reports

Bold italic type in this document indicates a button on the page being described.

For help on the app, tap the Help button on the Home Page of the app.


The Locations button is located on the top menu bar of the website. This is the starting

point and central core of the scouting function of this program. By clicking on Locations a drop-down menu will appear with the option to view All locations (all the locations you have entered), each specific individual location, and the option to Add New Location.

All Locations – this will open up the My Locations page. Here you will be able to 

add anew location or view any of your existing locations.


Add New Location – this will take you to the Add New Location page where you will enter in the information for your new location. Location is meant to be a flexible system that you can adapt to your own situation. On this page you can either choose an existing location and add a new field name to that location or create a brand-new location.

Choose a Location - If you just want to add a new field to an existing location you can use the drop down box.

Add New Location - If adding a new location, enter the name of the location in box.

Field # -  Here you would add the name or number of the specific field at that location (if you have multiple plantings at one location).

Some examples:

We recommend you create your system of locations based on your scouting plan first, then enter them all at once. 

Choose pests: select which pests you expect to find at this location


Choose beneficials: select the beneficials you will keep track of while scouting


Choose weeds: select the weeds you will keep track of while scouting

Choose diseases: select the diseases you will scout for at this location

Notes: enter any additional information about this location

Save: clicking Save takes you to a page for the specific location

Specific location page (identified by the location descriptors you created) From the example above you would see Smith Farm/Maple Street Field as one of your specific locations.

From this page you can:

Add New Scout Report 
This information can be added through the app or through the website. Any information added will automatically be synchronized between the server and your device each time you log in or launch the application. You can add information even when there is no connection to the internet. The server and devices will sync automatically when a connection is made.

Help for scout reports on the app is available on the app.

Scout reports can be accessed through the My Locations page or the Specific Location page, reached by clicking View on the My Locations page. 

Report date is entered automatically but can be changed to reflect a different date.


Note is a place for you to enter any notes you wish for that scouting report.

Pests/Beneficials that were originally chosen are included.

Crop - enter the total number of plants scouted and the crop stage (Pre-silk or silking)

Weeds that were originally chosen are included.


Diseases that were originally chosen are included.

Click Save

View Reports shows a graph of the results of the scouting reports as well as the data. Reports can be viewed on the app or the website. 

Pest data is shown as curves

Click Show All Reports to show data for all dates

Data for all pests and beneficials included in scout reports are displayed as default

Buttons on top right of graph

You can View, Edit or Delete records

Buttons across the top allow you to: